Monday 29 April 2013

SAVE don't SPEND #11

So this is my first SAVE don't SPEND post since mid-March - woops. I have to admit, keeping track of my spends was not high on my priorities list for a while but I am trying desperately to get back on the wagon and get my spends under control! This will be primarily done by doing a May spending ban - starting on Wednesday. I hope I manage to make it all the way through this time, cross your fingers for me!

4.99 - lunch
8.00 - food shop
2.50 - razors
£15.49 - total

4.45 - lunch
£4.45 - total

4.45 - lunch
£4.45 - total

4.45 - lunch
22.00 - Nails Inc lucky dip
£4.45 - total 
£22.00 - naughty total

9.50 - lunch (me & my secretary)
40.00 - Monki (two blouses)
£9.50 - total
£40.00 - naughty total

£0 - total

£0 - total

TOTAL: 38.34

As you can see, I've divided up my spends into regular and 'naughty' spends. Basically I know I spend money on unnecessary things (like 7 lucky dip nail polishes from Nails Inc when I already have 100+ polishes..) and I think it will be more helpful for me to see how much I'm spending on naughty things each week compared to essential things, like food and drink. I do have a set amount of money I can spend every month which is put aside for unnecessary things, so I'm hoping to stick to that budget. Otherwise, I have £80/week in my budget to live on, so to come in at £38.34 is quite a refreshing surprise! Let's hope I can keep my naughty spends to a minimum as I begin my month long spending ban this week..

Are you trying to save money? How is it going for you?

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