Monday, 18 March 2013

SAVE don't SPEND #10

Oh gosh I am tired!! to be perfectly honest I'm typing this at 7.30pm on Sunday evening and I've plenty still to do before I can grab an early night and head to bed! It can be pretty tricky juggling Bee's Knees and a full time job, especially when that full time job becomes increasingly demanding and stressful... but I'd like to think I usually do a good job of balancing the two.

£0 - total

5 - Boots (toothpaste and water)
£5.50 - total

20 - Cocktails with friends
£20 - total

4.45 - Wasabi lunch
£4.45 - total 

£0 - total

23 - Lunch out with my sister
4 - vegan ice cream at the theatre for Viva Forever! (bought from Whole Foods beforehand!)
20 - Boots (two Models Own polishes, two S&G make up items)
18.75 - Primark (a dress, some sunglasses and socks!)
60.97 - New Look clothes (haul post coming soon)
£126.72 - total

5.50 - Sainsburys mini food shop.
£5.50 - total

TOTAL: 152.17

Although this week's total spends are quite a lot, I'm not actually that fussed! I knew this week was going to be an expensive one because I went out for drinks with friends on Wednesday after work, and my sister was visiting in London so we did a bit of a big Spring shop together that only happens once every so often. I can forgive my over spends this week, so long as I don't keep it up every week. I have to remind myself that I'm 24, don't have children or a mortgage and I'm allowed to spend money on unnecessary things sometimes as long as it's all in moderation. Plus I'm starting a month long spending ban in April.

Are you trying to save money? How is it going for you?


  1. We're trying to save for a house so I always feel guilty about treating myself to stuff. Couldn't tell you the last time I went clothes shopping. Good job I work for myself and no one can see me working in my pjs most days haha!

    1. I am supposed to be saving for a deposit but since we're still long distance it hasn't really sunk in I don't think :-/
